e-Informatica Software Engineering Journal Web–Server Systems HTCPNs-Based Development Tool Application in Load Balance Modelling

Web–Server Systems HTCPNs-Based Development Tool Application in Load Balance Modelling

Slawomir Samolej, Tomasz Szmuc
A new software tool for web-server systems development is presented. The tool consist of a set of predefined Hierarchical Timed Coloured Petri Net (HTCPN) structures – patterns. The patterns make it possible to naturally construct typical and experimental server-systems structures. The preliminary patterns are executable queueing systems. A simulation based methodology of web-server model analysis and validation has been proposed. The paper focuses on presenting the construction of the software tool and its application for selected cluster-based web-servers load balancing strategies evaluation.
[1]Slawomir Samolej and Tomasz Szmuc, "Web�Server Systems HTCPNs-Based Development Tool Application in Load Balance Modelling", In e-Informatica Software Engineering Journal, vol. 3, no. 1, pp. 139–153, 2009. DOI: .

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