e-Informatica Software Engineering Journal ARINC Specification 653 Based Real-Time Software Engineering

ARINC Specification 653 Based Real-Time Software Engineering

Sławomir Samolej
This paper reports successive steps of a real-time avionic pitch control application creation. The application structure follows a new real-time systems development profile published in ARINC specification 653. The paper mentions some main ARINC specification 653 features and shows the subsequent application creation levels: control system units distribution, timing requirements definition, application implementation and tests. It describes the author’s experience gained during an avionic hard real-time system development and focuses on real-time software engineering details of the application creation.
[1]Sławomir Samolej, "ARINC Specification 653 Based Real-Time Software Engineering", In e-Informatica Software Engineering Journal, vol. 5, pp. 39–49, 2011. DOI: 10.2478/v10233-011-0029-x.

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