e-Informatica Software Engineering Journal On Visual Assessment of Software Quality

On Visual Assessment of Software Quality

Cezary Bartoszuk, Grzegorz Timoszuk, Robert Dąbrowski and Krzysztof Stencel
Development and maintenance of understandable and modifiable software is very challenging. Good system design and implementation requires strict discipline. The architecture of a project can sometimes be exceptionally difficult to grasp by developers. A project’s documentation gets outdated in a matter of days. These problems can be addressed using software analysis and visualization tools. Incorporating such tools into the process of continuous integration provides a constant up-to-date view of the project as a whole and helps keeping track of what is going on in the project. In this article we describe an innovative method of software analysis and visualization using graph-based approach. The benefits of this approach are shown through experimental evaluation in visual assessment of software quality using a proof-of-concept implementation — the Magnify tool.
[1]Cezary Bartoszuk, Grzegorz Timoszuk, Robert Dąbrowski and Krzysztof Stencel, "On Visual Assessment of Software Quality", In e-Informatica Software Engineering Journal, vol. 8, pp. 7–26, 2014. DOI: 10.5277/e-Inf140101.

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