e-Informatica Software Engineering Journal Using the Cognitive Walkthrough Method in Software Process Improvement

Using the Cognitive Walkthrough Method in Software Process Improvement

[1]Péter Balázs Polgár, "Using the Cognitive Walkthrough Method in Software Process Improvement", In e-Informatica Software Engineering Journal, vol. 9, pp. 79–86, 2015. DOI: 10.5277/e-Inf150105.

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Péter Balázs Polgár


In the past years, efforts in the field of Software Process Improvement were increasingly focusing on human aspects making one aware that people participating in the processes have a high impact on the success of any improvement. Applying the usability methodology to these problems is a promising new approach to dealing with the people issues in Software Process Improvement. This approach builds on the strengths of the usability perspective, most importantly its rich method library. One of these methods is the cognitive walkthrough method, used extensively by practitioners in software development projects.


usability, software process improvement, cognitive walkthrough


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