e-Informatica Software Engineering Journal Experience Report: Introducing Kanban Into Automotive Software Project

Experience Report: Introducing Kanban Into Automotive Software Project

[1]Marek Majchrzak and Łukasz Stilger, "Experience Report: Introducing Kanban into Automotive Software Project", In e-Informatica Software Engineering Journal, vol. 11, no. 1, pp. 39–57, 2017. DOI: 10.5277/e-Inf170102.

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Marek Majchrzak, Łukasz Stilger


The boundaries between traditional and agile approach methods are disappearing. A significant number of software projects require a continuous implementation of tasks without dividing them into sprints or strict project phases. Customers expect more flexibility and responsiveness from software vendors in response to the ever-changing business environment. To achieve better results in this field, Capgemini has begun using the Lean philosophy and Kanban techniques.
The following article illustrates examples of different uses of Kanban and the main stakeholder of the process. The article presents the main advantages of transparency and ways to improve the customer co-operation as well as stakeholder relationships. The Authors try to visualise all of the elements in the context of the project.
There is also a discussion of different approaches in two software projects. The article fokuses on the main challenges and the evolutionary approach used. An attempt is made to answer the question how to convince both the team as well as the customer, and how to optimise ways to achieve great results.


kanban, lean, automotive, scrum, agile


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