e-Informatica Software Engineering Journal A Systematic Mapping Study on Software Measurement Programs in SMEs

A Systematic Mapping Study on Software Measurement Programs in SMEs

[1]Touseef Tahir, Ghulam Rasool and Muhammad Noman, "A Systematic Mapping Study on Software Measurement Programs in SMEs", In e-Informatica Software Engineering Journal, vol. 12, no. 1, pp. 133–165, 2018. DOI: 10.5277/e-Inf180106.

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Touseef Tahir, Ghulam Rasool, Muhammad Noman


Context: Software measurement programs are essential to understand, evaluate, improve and predict the software processes, products and resources. However, successful implementation of software measurement programs (MPs) in small and medium enterprises (SMEs) is challenging.
Objective: To perform a detailed analysis of studies on MPs for highlighting the existing measurement models, tools, metrics selection methods and challenges for implementing MPs in SMEs.
Methods: A Systematic Mapping Study (SMS) is conducted.
Results: In total, 35 primary studies are comprehensively analyzed. We identified 29 software measurement models and 4 tools specifically designed for MPs in SMEs. Majority of the measurement models (51%) are built upon software process improvement approaches. With respect to measurement purposes of models, the distribution of MPs was identified as: characterization (63%), evaluation (83%), improvement (93%) and prediction (16%). Majority of primary studies discussed the use of measurement experts and experience (60%) followed by the use of measurement standards (40% and the use of automated tools (22%) for metrics selection in MPs. We found that the SMEs and large organization face different challenges as studies in SMEs report challenges that exist even before the implementation of MPs due to infrastructure and management processes of SMEs. The challenges reported by studies in large organizations are mostly related to the issues discovered while implementing MPs.
Conclusion: The analysis of measurement models, tools, metrics selection methods and challenges of implementing MPs should help the SMEs to make a feasibility study before implementing a MP.


software measurement process, software measurement program, small and medium enterprise (SME), software metrics, software measures, systematic mapping study, GQM


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