e-Informatica Software Engineering Journal SIoT Framework: Towards an Approach for Early Identification of Security Requirements for Internet-of-things Applications

SIoT Framework: Towards an Approach for Early Identification of Security Requirements for Internet-of-things Applications

[1]Ronald Jabangwe and Anh Nguyen-Duc, "SIoT Framework: Towards an Approach for Early Identification of Security Requirements for Internet-of-things Applications", In e-Informatica Software Engineering Journal, vol. 14, no. 1, pp. 77–95, 2020. DOI: 10.37190/e-Inf200103.

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Ronald Jabangwe, Anh Nguyen-Duc


Background: Security has become more of a concern with the wide deployment of Internet-of-things (IoT) devices. The importance of addressing security risks early in the development lifecycle before pushing to market cannot be over emphasized.
Aim: To this end, we propose a conceptual framework to help with identifying security concerns early in the product development lifecycle for Internet-of-things, that we refer to as SIoT (Security for Internet-of-Things).
Method: The framework adopts well known security engineering approaches and best practices, and systematically builds on existing research work on IoT architecture.
Results: Practitioners at a Norwegian start-up company evaluated the framework and found it useful as a foundation for addressing critical security concerns for IoT applications early in the development lifecycle. The output from using the framework can be a checklist that can be used as input during security requirements engineering activities for IoT applications.
Conclusions: However, security is a multi-faced concept; therefore, users of the SIoT framework should not view the framework as a panacea to all security threats. The framework may need to be refined in the future, particularly to improve its completeness to cover various IoT contexts.


security requirement; Internet-of-things; Software Engineering; Requirement Engineering; Security Framework


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