e-Informatica Software Engineering Journal Story Point Estimation Using Issue Reports With Deep Attention Neural Network

Story Point Estimation Using Issue Reports With Deep Attention Neural Network

[1]Haithem Kassem, Khaled Mahar and Amani A. Saad, "Story Point Estimation Using Issue Reports With Deep Attention Neural Network", In e-Informatica Software Engineering Journal, vol. 17, no. 1, pp. 230104, 2023. DOI: 10.37190/e-Inf230104.

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Haithem Kassem, Khaled Mahar, Amani A. Saad


Background: Estimating the effort required for software engineering tasks is incredibly tricky, but it is critical for project planning. Issue reports are frequently used in the agile community to describe tasks, and story points are used to estimate task effort.

Aim: This paper proposes a machine learning regression model for estimating the number of story points needed to solve a task. The system can be trained from raw input data to predict outcomes without the need for manual feature engineering.

Method: Hierarchical attention networks are used in the proposed model. It has two levels of attention mechanisms implemented at word and sentence levels. The model gradually constructs a document vector by grouping significant words into sentence vectors and then merging significant sentence vectors to create document vectors. Then, the document vectors are fed into a shallow neural network to predict the story point.

Results: The experiments show that the proposed approach outperforms the state-of-the-art technique Deep-S which uses Recurrent Highway Networks. The proposed model has improved Mean Absolute Error (MAE) by an average of 16.6% and has improved Median Absolute Error (MdAE) by an average of 53%.

Conclusion: An empirical evaluation shows that the proposed approach outperforms the previous work.


story points, deep learning, glove, hierarchical attention networks, agile, planning poker


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