e-Informatica Software Engineering Journal Value-based Software Engineering: A Systematic Mapping Study

Value-based Software Engineering: A Systematic Mapping Study

[1]Norsaremah Salleh, Emilia Mendes, Fabiana Mendes, Charitha Dissanayake Lekamlage and Kai Petersen, "Value-based Software Engineering: A Systematic Mapping Study", In e-Informatica Software Engineering Journal, vol. 17, no. 1, pp. 230106, 2023. DOI: 10.37190/e-Inf230106.

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Norsaremah Salleh, Emilia Mendes, Fabiana Mendes, Charitha Dissanayake Lekamlage, Kai Petersen


Background: Integrating value-oriented perspectives into the principles and practices of software engineering is fundamental to ensure that software development activities address key stakeholders’ views and also balance short-and long-term goals. This is put forward in the discipline of value-based software engineering (VBSE)

Aim: This study aims to provide an overview of VBSE with respect to the research efforts that have been put into VBSE.

Method: We conducted a systematic mapping study to classify evidence on value definitions, studies’ quality, VBSE principles and practices, research topics, methods, types, contribution facets, and publication venues.

Results: From 143 studies we found that the term “value” has not been clearly defined in many studies. VB Requirements Engineering and VB Planning and Control were the two principles mostly investigated, whereas VB Risk Management and VB People Management were the least researched. Most studies showed very good reporting and relevance quality, acceptable credibility, but poor in rigour. Main research topic was Software Requirements and case study research was the method used the most. The majority of studies contribute towards methods and processes, while very few studies have proposed metrics and tools.

Conclusion: We highlighted the research gaps and implications for research and practice to support VBSE.


systematic mapping, value-based software engineering, VBSE


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