e-Informatica Software Engineering Journal Gratitude for reviewers in 2023 year

Gratitude for reviewers in 2023 year

We would like to express appreciation to all reviewers who agreed to make reviews in 2023 for the effort and expertise contributed to reviewing.


Without you it would be difficult to maintain and raise the high standard of our peer-reviewed journal.


Thank you!


  1. Waleed Abdeen (Sweden)
  2. Dorian Ruiz Alonso (Poland)
  3. Ziad Al-Sharif (Jordan)
  4. Elvira-Maria Arvanitou (Greece)
  5. Markus Borg (Sweden)
  6. Jacek Dąbrowski (Italy)
  7. Jonatan Flyckt (Sweden)
  8. Afonso Fontes (Sweden)
  9. Mahshid Helali Moghadam (Sweden)
  10. Andrea Herrmann (Germany)
  11. Sami Hyrynsalmi (Finland)
  12. Ilias Kalouptsoglou (Greece)
  13. Megha Khanna (India)
  14. Barbara Kitchenham (United Kingdom)
  15. Tomasz Lewowski (Poland)
  16. Nikolaos Mittas (Poland)
  17. Lionel Nganyewou Tidjon (Canada)
  18. Nikolaos Nikolaidis (Greece)
  19. Mirosław Ochodek (Poland)
  20. Milos Ojdanic (Luxembourg)
  21. Moses Openja (Canada)
  22. Lukasz Radlinski (Poland)
  23. Miltiadis Siavvas (Greece)
  24. Ales Smrcka (Czech Republic)
  25. Szymon Stradowski (Poland)
  26. Robert Waszkowski (Poland)
  27. Yves Wautelet (Poland)

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